
Happy Valentines Day! (whatever that may be for you...)

People tend to have a diverse spectrum of feelings about Valentines' Day. If you are one of those who do not mind the commercial (often times ridiculous) celebration of love and romance, like me, then you might appreciate the collection of photos below. If you tend to take a more cynical, apathetic approach to the day, perhaps because of a lack of romance in your life, or the recent ending of one, or just because...well, maybe you can re-frame the idea of the day. I like to appreciate all of the individuals in my life that I love (not just romance-wise...because that is currently quite minimal), and celebrate that instead of focusing on the other things that we are told we are "supposed" to be wanting and needing, to be happy and content.

I never really liked the taste of these, but they fondly remind me of 2nd grade and making a special card for my first crush, Matthew. {image}
Pretty in red...{image}

I wonder when chocolate got so closely linked with love? Maybe they needed to sell more of it... {image}

Fire engine love lips... {image}

Road map to my heart (wonder where they sell those)? {image}

Music and love always seem to go well together. {image}

If you are reading this, you are probably already somewhere in mine. {image}

Ultimate romance. {image}

Whatever it may be for you...I hope you have a nice Valentines' Day! Or, just enjoy the long weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I liked what you wrote Morgan under each hot hot well chosen photos that celebrate Saint Valentine the Liberty Satus Of Love ever since we were created on this lost Jungle Planete.But my favourite image of expression of love are :#1 the Type writer-Un mot d,amour en noir,#6 Arbre de Coeur fragile en couleurs d,amour et de vie eternel,#7 Homme et Femme avec chanson d,amour,#8 peinture de coeur en rouge et Bien venu chez-moi mon amour,#9 Amour de deux corps perdu dans le temps et l,esprit mais tres chaud bien entendu..ect.Happy Saint Valentine Morgan et viva la vida.RAMRAM SAY IT.
