
Spring Cleaning

Shoot! I haven't been doing a good job of posting. Not that it really effects your life all that much, but just in case you get annoyed when you check back and see the same silly thing over and over again, I apologize.

If you were to look at my desktop right now, you'd think I was a major pack rat. Luckily, in this day and age, I can collect things digitally and no one will ever know how much I have! Anyways, usually I try and tuck them into some sort of file that organizes things, but lately it has all gotten a little O.O.C. (out of control, no?). So instead of going back and putting these some where I will forget about them, I'm just putting them out here now...

Hope you have a good week!

My lovely cousin is getting married by the sea this summer...I am so excited for her and my soon-to-be cousin-brother-friend-fellow-goof-in-law. This just made me smile. Love and the ocean...sounds good to me.

My mom keeps saying this to me. I should trust her (she's a smart one), because I think she's right...But it's hard to remember and really believe sometimes!

The flowers in Spring make things so wonderfully beautiful and alive. It's too bad it takes flowers to make me stop and really look at things, but at least they do!

I think we sometimes convince ourselves that what we do doesn't matter, but I have a sneaky feeling that it does. We are all connected and part of the universe and so what we do always has an impact. Good and bad...but let's make it mostly good! We need it.

More pretty petals! I've had petals falling on my heard twice this week. What a treat!

Get me this truck! Please!

A little Zooey...she's usually somewhere on my computer. That sounds weird, but you know what I mean. Girlcrush.

Good thing to remind yourself (and maybe, at times, others) of...

I believe so.

Why not!?

Quiet moments at night.

"There will be music despite everything." -Jack Kornfield (at a conference I went to this weekend!) ...even with broken keys!

This made me think of all the special people that I am so lucky to have in my life.

Sometimes, yes.

I really like this.

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